The Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (F&P) is a tool that your teachers, at BCPS, use consistently throughout Kindergarten to 6 to assess English reading proficiency. Assessment results inform children and teachers about decoding skills (turning groups of letters into words) and comprehension skills (making meaning from text) and allow teachers to work with students to set individual reading goals. For students, knowing their reading level, relative to where they should be, is important but knowing what they need to do to progress is vital!
Homeroom Teachers and Support Teachers administer the assessments at predetermined times in the years as well as at intervals deemed necessary for individual students based on their circumstances and/or needs.
F&P Benchmark Assessment System
It is a system to “determine student’s ‘independent’ and ‘instructional’ reading levels, teachers are able to observe student reading behaviors one-on-one, engage in comprehension conversations that go beyond retelling the content of the text, and make informed decisions that connect assessment to instruction.
All components of the system are conveniently packaged in a sturdy box that includes hanging file folders in which to organize the benchmark books and recording forms by level for easy access.
System Components:
- Leveled Assessment Books
- Assessment Guide
- Assessment forms book
- Student Forms Book
- The Fountas & Pinnell LiteracyTM Constitution
- BAS Online Data Management System (ODMS)
- Online Resources
- Professional Development and Tutorial Videos
- Student folders
- F&P Calculator/Stopwatch
Click here to see the F&P website
Questions, comments or concerns? Please feel free to contact your teacher.